Friday, January 9, 2009

Where did the past month go?

As if the month of December isn't crazy enough and having our new baby wasn't exciting enough for us - we also moved in the middle of December. Seriously what were we thinking! First of all we have to say a GINORMOUS THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! to Rozannah, Chris, and Lorenzo for allowing us to disturb their peace for as long as we need! We are very thankful and luckily we made it out before Penelepe or Lorenzo killed each other. And since I'm saying Thank you - we'd also like to say a big Thank You to my Mom for taking care of us after Violette was born - we really appreciated it. Anyways it took us a while but we finally found a CLEAN home to live in. The few places we looked at were seriously disgusting, so we waited until a family in our ward moved out to rent this nice cozy CLEAN duplex. I have to admit I was a little worried it would be too small because two of the three bedrooms don't have closets - so I don't know if you can really consider those bedrooms - but we have a huge basement. Now I have the largest walk-in-closet a girl could ask for. I don't know if I can ever go back to a normal closet again. Anyways we love it and its only a block away from Rozannah.
So needless to say this past month flew by - which I'm a little upset about because Violette is now over 6 weeks old. Why can't the first few months last longer! One day while unpacking (which was so hard because I couldn't lift anything from the c-section - Ryan had the kids spying on me to make sure I didn't lift anything - but honestly I have such an great husband - I was getting annoyed at Myself for constantly saying Honey could you......-but he didn't care at all and did everything I asked without complaining- anyways during one of those long unpacking days Penelepe was being way too quiet and I walked into the room and found her sound asleep next to Violette - almost smothering her. It was adorable - and if I let Penelepe she would be that close to Violette all day long.
(Sorry for the horrific run on sentences)

1 comment:

The Fami-Lee said...

I think those are the sweetest pictures I've ever ever ever seen. I LOVE YOUR FAMILY!! PLEASE MOVE TO MONTANA NOW!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you...I just miss you guys alot.