I am fearful for our new baby girl. Violette is so excited I'm afraid she is going to smother her. Constantly all day long she says, "Mommy you have a baby in your belly? Where's her shirt? My baby like this. My baby want to eat this." The baby in my belly is no longer my baby but Violette's baby. Violette watched the entire 20 minute dvd of the ultra sound and kept asking where her shirt was, and it still baffles her that she doesn't have a shirt on. After watching the video she asked if she could feed the baby, and we had to explain that the baby eats what I eat. Violette will bring me food all day long saying, "My baby wants to eat this." Usually it's candy. The other day she brought me candy even before breakfast saying My baby wants to eat this, and when I told her that her baby sister doesn't eat treats before lunch she said, "yes she does". Violette is also concerned that her baby sister is bored. She'll hand me toys and tell me, "My baby wants to play with this, " and then she'll set it on my tummy. The other day she brought me a candle stick holder for her sister to play with. She also wants to kiss her baby sister all the time.
If she is this infatuated with her sister now, what is it
going to be like when she can actually see and touch her sister?
If she is this infatuated with her sister now, what is it
going to be like when she can actually see and touch her sister?
I'm scared.