Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Big 5

Happy Birthday! We made a "healthy choice" and she brought blueberry muffins to class to celebrate. Her actual birthday was pretty lame, Oliver had strep throat so she couldn't have friends over. Good thing we already a party with cousins during our Christmas vacation.
We did have the Trockels over for dinner to celebrate today. I asked Penelepe what she wanted for her birthday dinner and she requested Chicken Wings. I guess she is now a true Buffalonian with that request. Honestly I think she has had wings maybe twice since we moved her, today being the second time. We also had homemade Mac and Cheese which was completely lactose free! Thank you Cabot!! (most of their cheese is lactose free).
Her favorite things are:
Make up - and nail polish
Cousins and friends
Ice cream and treats and more treats and gum
and salad, tuna fish, and top ramen.
(Honestly if I let her she would eat top ramen from lunch and dinner EVERY day)
We love you Penelepe!!!

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