Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So..... the other day Oliver got a bag of hand-me-downs from his friend. After leaving the bag one night at Rozannah's house we brought the bag home on our dinner break (we've been helping Rozannah with stripping wall-paper). I left the bag on the living room floor planning on taking it to the basement to sort through it when I got a chance (like in a couple months or so). While I was doing the dishes Violette got a hold of the bag and dumped the shirts all over the living room floor. We needed to run back to Rozannah's to finish up, so the clothes sat on the floor for several hours. We returned home that night at 10:30 and we were exhausted. We all walked around the dimly lite house brushing teeth, getting drinks, and putting our pjs on. When all of a sudden I looked at the living room floor and noticed that there was a bunch of rice all over the floor. I was annoyed that Violette managed to get rice all over the living room floor and I wanted to just leave it because I was so tired. Then I noticed that the "rice" was kind of long and fat. And then I realized it was MOVING!!! MAGGOTS - MAGGOTS all over the floor! I immediately started screaming AT Ryan, Not for Ryan, but AT him. Why? I'm pretty sure I was in shock. As I'm screaming AT him, he is asking me in his calm parenting voice why are you yelling at me? I couldn't move all I could do was scream. Finally after forever (maybe a minute) of yelling I ran into the office and made Ryan go out there. They were all over. Not just a cute 4 or 5 of them but they were ALL over! In our kitchen, under the coach, in the office, and some trying to escape through the front door. And here we were walking around with them under our feet the entire time! Ahh it still freaks me out! Ryan got out the bleach and sprayed them but they just kept squirming and flopping all over. He realized that wasn't working, so he asked me to get the vacuum. He probably asked me about 10 times to get it and I couldn't move. I just stood there clutching Violette to me. Poor girl I'm sure she is traumatised for life. It took us (meaning Ryan and Oliver) 2 hours to vacuum them up. The maggots came from the hand-me-downs. Ryan would lift a shirt and 10 or so would flop out. What a nightmare! Luckily Ryan was home, I'm pretty sure I would have been hospitalized if he wasn't here! The next morning when Violette woke up the first thing she said was Bs (translated into English that means bug). Gross. Now we have had carpenter ants sneaking in.... what's next radioactive boars?


Falon Felsted said...

C.R.A.Z.Y!! So glad Ryan was home to save you from the lil critters. I will NEVER look at a bag of hand-me-downs the same again. AND, I totally would have paid money to see your reaction :)

Olivia said...

OMG that is so gross! I didn't know maggots could live in clothes?!?!?

(but don't worry, I'm going to put on my brave face and will keep thrifting anyway.)

Sierra said...

Holy Cow!!!! That is so awful! I would be freaking out too! Maggots are the grossest thing ever, next to snakes and worms:) I would not know how to get rid of them...do they make maggot spray?

The Playin' Lakins said...

I would have been yelling too!. Oh that is just so gross and I am so sorry that happened to you!. Ew! I'm squirming just thinking about it!!!

Carol said...

OMGosh!! That is just plain gross and yucky. I hope you threw out the clothes or burned them. I would've been screaming too. YIKES!!!

Ashley and Ezra said...

Ok that freaks me out!!! I might have passed out and fallen right into them! Im so thankful for men in our lives to clean up the bugs and spiders! Ryan, way to take it like a man!