1 week old.
5 minutes old.
I love all of her hair! I hope it stays dark!
I don't think Penelepe could have been more excited. When Penelepe had to go home without her baby sister she cried the entire way home! She was so mad we had to stay 4 days in the hospital!
Penelepe giving loves to her sister before she arrived.
Baby Violette was born 11/25/08 at 9:04 am. Weighing 7bls. 13 oz. and 20 inches long. She is adorable and we love having her in our family. She looks (I think) completely different than her older brother and sister. The first couple days I had to keep telling myself that she was my baby, because I thought for sure she would look like Penelepe and Oliver. She was swollen on one side of her face, which is normal for a breech baby, and she has the cutest biggest double chin a new born can have. The actual delivery was so weird and it wasn't as bad as I had myself stressed out about. Going to the hospital in no pain was very nice, and the actual procedure only had 3 bad moments other than that c-sections are great and fast. As for the recovery - all I have to say is Annoying! But I am thankful for modern medicine and the time period we live in. I've always thought I would have loved to live during the time of the pioneers (why? I have no idea) but honestly I would have been lucky to survive after Oliver's delivery and there is no way I would have made it through my other deliveries and Violette is no exception. Her head was up in my ribs along with her feet and her bum was down. There was no way she could have been born naturally. The nurse said she was the only one in the nursery who could suck her toe, which I thought I'm sure there were others, but she probably was the only one that could put her toes in her mouth without bending her legs. She had to have been so uncomfortable -good thing she is out and free now. Her siblings love her and Penelepe is her second mother who loves to climb all over her.